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verstehen, was Sache ist
Welcome to my website!
I am glad that you have found me.
This is your chance to see more clearly again!
(Intercultural) counseling and mediation in three languages
(German, English and Spanish)

Ursula Díaz
Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie in Braunschweig
“Change is not for free.
If you want change, things cannot stay the same
as they have always been.”
Wolfgang Reitzle
Do you sometimes feel like you are stuck? Are you often unsure of what you actually want?
During our coaching sessions, I will help you to gain more clarity about your wishes, your goals and your strengths.
Do you sometimes wonder: what is holding me back? Why do I keep hitting the same walls?
During counseling, I will help you to look behind the “scenes of your life” and to understand your life patterns better.
Would you like to tackle the issues that stand between you and your partner in your relationship? Are you tired of arguing about the same old issues over and over again?
During couple counseling, we will search together for the patterns that keep leading you into the same vicious circles and for ways to get out of them again.

Is there a conflict in your private or professional life you would like to resolve?
During mediation, I will guide you through a process in which you will work out a solution together with the person that — still — upsets you. I am impartial, which means I am on neither party’s side — I am equally there for all affected parties.
Have you been living in Germany for quite a while and still have the feeling that you do not really belong here?
During intercultural counseling, we will explore together what exactly is the problem and what you can do to better cope with the difficult situation.
Do you have a partner from a different cultural background and just cannot understand certain idiosyncrasies?
During intercultural couple counseling, we will look at where your two cultures collide and how you can experience your differences again as an enrichment and no longer as a bone of contention.
How can I help you? How do I work?
In my job as a counselor / mediator I am:
ready to uncover these solutions by asking questions and making suggestions
I offer counseling in German, English and Spanish.
Please note that the client is responsible for payment at the time of service: I accept cash and bank transfer. Insurance is not accepted.
My office is located close to the train station in Braunschweig.
Psychotherapy & coaching
Everyone is an “expert in their own right”. You know yourself best and know what is good for you.
However, there are also situations in life where you cannot see “the forest for the trees”.
Couple counseling
Happy partnerships are characterized by a balance between giving and taking, preserving and changing, harmony and discussion, commonalities and individual interests.
However, what if these opposing poles lose their balance?
Conflicts are part of life. They arise wherever people live and work together.
It would be great if we could resolve our conflicts in a clarifying conversation. Nevertheless, that does not always work. So what to do?